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Wednesday, 22 April 2020




Q1. Whose team worked on critical edition of Mahabharat?
Ans-V.S Sukthankar
Q2.Final version of Mahabharat is in how many pages?
Ans. 13000 pages
Q3. What were two rules of Gotra?
Ans-Give up fathers gotra and adopt husband gotra
Q4. Two vedic seers on whose name gotra were based?
Ans-Gotama and Vasistha
Q5. Which rulers were identifies by metronymic’s?
 Ans-Satavahan Rulers-Gotmi put satakarni, Vasithi puta siri Pulumayi rulers.
Q-6. Match the kings with their social origion
1. Shaka
B. Mlechchhas
C. Tribals
D. Central Asian
Ans-1-B, 2-A, 3—D, 4-C
Q-7.Describe the term Jati?
 Ans-All social categories that could not fit into varna system were called as Jati. It is also based on birth but there was no restriction on its numbers.
Q8. Weavers guild lived originally in which place of Gujarat and where they migrated?
 Ans- Lata in Gujarat and migrated to Mandsore (MP)
Q-9. The term used for forest dewellers?
Ans- Nishad
Q10. People who spoke non Sanskrit language were known as________.
Ans- Mlechchhs
Q11. The persons who were performing polluting tasks known as_______.
Ans- Chandals
Q-12. Two Chinese pilgrimmes who wrote about chandals?
Ans-FaXian, XuanZang
Q13. What is stridhana?
Ans-The gift received by women on her marriage can be inherited by children without husband having any claim.
Q14: How much time taken to complete this project
 Ans: 47 years
Q15: How many forms of marriages were found
Ans: 8
Q16: The Book Mrichchhakatika was written by which writer.
Ans : Shudraka
Q17. What was patriliny?
Ans. Patriliny Means trashing descent from father to son, Grandson and so on.
Q18. What was Matriliny?
Ans. Matriliny the term is used when descent is traced through the mother.
Q19. What do you understand of Exogamy Marriage types.
Ans. Marriage outside the unit.
Q20. What sources are used by Historian for understanding of social changes?
Ans. Textual Traditions, From Inscriptions.
Q21. How Historians classify the contents of the Mahabharata?
Ans:- Narrative- Stories, designated.
Didactic - Social Norms.
Q22. Which elements are considered by historians when they analyse text Book.
Ans:-They examine whether text were written in which languages. They also consider the kinds of text; author; audience; time period etc.
Q23. What was the ancient Tamilkam?
Ans:- In Tamilkam there were several chiefdoms around 2000 Years ago
Q24. What does Manusmriti says about issue of ownership?
Ans-The paternal estate to beequallu divided among the sons with a special share of eldest. Woman could not claim a share of these resources.
Q25.Populat tradition says that Mahabharat was written by whom?
Ans-Ved Vyasa
Q26.The original story of Mahabahart was composed by charioteer bards known as________.
Ans. Sutas
Q-27. The practice of polyandry and is prevalent in which region?
Ans-Himalayan region
Q-28. The most challenging episode of Mahabharat is___________.
Ans-Draupadi Marriage
Q29. Kauravas and pandavas belong to which janpadas?
Ans- Kurus
Q30.Two chiefdoms describe in Mahabharat?
Ans-Kurus and Panchalas
Q-31.Which language were used by common people?
Ans- Pali, Prakrit and Tamil
Q32.Give example to show that upper class womwn had access to resources and land?
Ans- Prabhavati Gupta daughter of Samudragupta and Vakataka queen suggest that upper class woman had access to wealth.
Q33.Who were known as Dashapura?
Ans- The weaver guild who migrated to Mandsore(MP) from Lata (Gujarat) were known as Dashapura.
Q34. Sanskrit used in Mahabharat is simpler than……….
Ans-Vedas and Prashastis
Q35. The didactic section of the epic mahabharat are taken from Where?
Ans- Manusmriti
Q36. What is the name of archaeologist who excavated a village named Hastinapur?
Ans- BB Lal in 1951
Q-37 How many verses in Mahabharat in present?
Ans- 100000 Verses
Q-37. The name of ruler who rebuilt Sudarshana lake?
Ans- Rudradaman a shaka ruler
Q38.Whic sukta of Rigveda mentions about the division of society in to four varnas ?
Ans-Purusha sukta
Q39. Who is called as Vanik?
Ans-A Sanskrit term used to designate merchants. In Mrichchakatika written by Sudraka,hero Charudatta was described as both Brahmana and a merchant.
Q40. Who was Gandhari?
Ans-Gandhari was the mother of kaurvas

S. A. (3 Marks)

Q.1 Mention rules of marriage as mentioned in the early text.
Ans:- The gift of a Daughter after dressing her in costly clothes and honoring her with presents of Jewels.
- The gift of a daughter by the father after he has addressed the couple with the text''
May both of you perform your duties together.
- After having given as much wealth as he can afford to the kinsmen and to the Bride herself. - The voluntary union of a maiden and her lover.

Q.2. What rules did the Dharma sutras and Dharma Shastra's contain about the Ideal ''occupations'' of the four Varna's?
Ans.- Brahmanas were supposed to study and teach the Vedas, perform sacrifices andgive and receive gifts.
- Kshatriyas were to engage in warfare, protect people and justice, study the Vedasand get sacifices performed.
- The last three occupations were also assigned to the Vaishyas ie crafts, Agricultureand trade.
- Shudras were assigned only serving the three ''higher'' varnas.

Q.3. What was Jati? How are they related to Varnas?
Ans.- Jati in Brahmanical theory.
- Varna was based on Birth.
- Number of varnas were four.
- There was no restriction on the number of Jati.
- Jatis which shared a common occupation or profession were sometimes organizedinto shrenis or guilds.

Q.4. How could men and women acquire wealth in early societies?
Ans.- For men wealth-Inheritance, finding, purchase, conquest, investment, work andacceptance of gifts from good people.
- For women - what was given at the time of the marriage, bridal procession, token ofaffection she got from her brother, mother or father and she could also acquire from husband.

Q.5 Who was V.S. Sukthankar? What was his contribution in understanding theMahabharata.
Ans.- V.S. Sukthankar was a famous Sanskritist.
- Under the sukthankar a team prepared the critical edition of the Mahabharata.
- Collecting Sanskrit Manuscripts of the text. Written in a variety of scripts.
- Ultimately they selected the verses that were common to most versions.
- And published these in several volumes.
Q.6 What were the effects of several changes in between 600 BCE and 600 CE on societies?
Ans.- Extension of Agriculture in to forested areas.
- Craft specialists often emerged as distinct social groups.
- Trade activities increased.
- Many religious activities /movements started.

Q7. What do you understand by '' The critical edition of the Mahabharata''?
Ans.- One of the most ambitious projects of scholarship began in 1919.
- Under the leadership of a noted Indian Sanskritist V.S. Sukthankar.
- A team comprising a dozen of scholars initiated the task of preparing a criticaledition of the Mahabharata.

Q.8. What were the terms of gotras? What were the rules of gotras?
Ans.- Each gotra was named after a Vedic Seer and all those who belonged to the same gotra.
- Two rules about gotra were particularly very important. Women were expected togive up their father's gotra and adopt that of their husband's gotra after marriage.
- Marriage in same gotra was not allowed

Q.9 Why were mothers important in Satavahana rule?
Ans:-- Satavahana rules were Identified through matronymics (Names Derived frommother) - Although this may suggest that mothers were important.
- We have got name like gautami putra Satakarni , Vashishthi putra Pulvami .

Q.10. What were the categories made by Brahmanas?
Ans:-- Brahmanas Claimed the order in which they were ranked. First was divinely ordained.
- While placing group classified as shudras at the bottom of the social order.

Q.11. Describe the Duties of the Chandalas.
Ans:-- They had to live outside the village.
- Use discarded utensils.
- Wear Clothes of the dead and ornaments of iron.
Q.12. what do you understand by the Term '' Beyond the four varnas''?
Ans:-- Brahmanas considered some people as being outside the system, they were called untouchable.'
- Some activities were '' Polluting'' those who performed such tasks designated as chandalas''

Q.13 What do you understand by stridhana (Woman's wealth)?
- According to Manusmriti women were allowed to retain the gift they received on the occasion of their marriage as stridhana.
- This could be inherited by their children.

Q.14. How is Mahabharata a Dynamic text?
Ans:- Versions of the epic were written in a variety of languages.
- Several stories that originated in specific regions.
- At the same time the central story of the epic was often retold in different ways.
- Different phases in the composition of Mahabharata.

Q15. Whatwas varna?what were the occupation for each Varna ?
In Dharamshutras  anddharmashastras  an    ideal system was presented which was varna system .according to it ,there were four varna  in society.
ideal occupations:
(i) The brahmans studied and taught the vedas .They perform sacrifices and got sacrifices performed.
(ii)The Kshatriyas were engaged in warfare. Theyprotected people and administered justice .
(iii)The vaishyas were engaged in agriculture ,pastoralism ,and trade.
(iv)The fourth varnawas given only one occupation .Their prime duty was to serve  the three classes .

Q-16 Write about demerits of caste system ?
Ans. It was against sense of nationalism .
(II)Caste system always remain hindrance in individual development .
(III)Untouchability is another drawback of caste system.
(IV)Foreign invasion :only Kshatriyas were allowed to enter in battle field due to caste system .

Q-17.Discuss whether kings in early states were invariably Kshatriyas
Ans-(i)According to Dharamshastras only Kshatriyas could be kings .
(II)Some people considered Mauryans to be Kshatriyas .
(iii) But some Brahmnical texts describe them to be low .
(iv)Shungas  and Kanvas were the Brahmans .
(v)Satvahna kings of Deccan were also not  Kshatriyas they were Brahmans.

Q18. Explain the factors that should kept in mind by historians     while handling textual traditions ?
Ans  (i)Historians should examine the language of the book .They should examine wether it is in the Pali, Sanskrit  or Tamil language.The language of the common people or if  itis in Sanskrit the language of the priest or elite people .
(ii)The book is in what form whether it is in the form of the mantras changed by the ritual specialists or it is in narrative form that  storiesread, heard and retold by the people .
(iii)To get information about author of the book as his attitude ,view  and ideas affect the writing of book.
(iv) For whom  the book  has been written, as author must have kept in his mind  the taste interest of readers and audience .

Q19. What was the position of those people in society whose social practice were not influenced by brahmanicalideas ?
Ans (i) Because of diversity in the subcontinent ,there were many people whose social practice were not influence by brahminical  ideas. They were often describe as odd, uncivilized people.
(II)They are also considered as forest Dwellers who hunted to survive .The nishadEklavya was one of them belonged to this category of people .
(iii) some of them included nomadic pastoralists. They did not adjust themselves in the framework of settled agriculture.
(IV)  The people who did not speak Sanskrit they were called mlechchhas.

L. A. (8 Marks)

Q.1. Discuss whether the Mahabharata could have been the work of a single author.
Ans.- Probably composed by charioteer - bards known as sutas.
- From the fifth century BCE Brahmanas took over the story and began to commit itto writing.
- Also possible that the upheavals that often accompanied the establishment of these states.
- Where old social values were often replaced by new norms.
- Another Phase in the composition of the text between C 200 BCE and 200 C.E.
- Between 200 BCE and 400 BCE Large didactic sections were included the manusmriti.

 Q2. What is Mahabharata ?How its critical edition was prepared ?
Ans Mahabharata is the most important epics of subcontinent .It shows wide range of social categories and situations .The central story of Mahabharata  is about two sets of warring cousins .
A Critical edition :
(i)A very ambitious project was started in 1919 BC under leadership of V.S Suthankar .He was a noted Sanskrit scholar .
(iii) Many scholars collectively decided to prepare a critical edition of Mahabharata  .
(IV This team comprising of scholars worked  out method of comparing verses from each manuscript .

Q3 What did Buddhists say about the in equalities prevalent   in society ?what does it indicate?
Ans (i)The Buddhist were aware of the social inequalities .so they developed  institution to regulate social conflict .According to suttaPitak  All people livedin an ideal state  of peace .
(ii) however this ideal state did not remain for long time there was a agradual deterioration in peaceful state .
(III)Most the human beings became greedy, deceitful.
(IV) So people thought of electing a man whocould set the thing in order. He could punish those who deserved this punishment.
(v) He would expel those who were fit to be expelled in lieu of this job.
(vi) As he would be chosen by all the people he would be called Mahasanmata the great elect.
(vii) From this we come to know that the office of the king depended on the will of the people.
(viii) In other words the institutions of kinship based on human choice.

Q-4.Mahabharata is a good source to study social values of ancient time ?
Ans (i) It revolves around different aspects of society as it is based on the conflict between relatives or cousins .
(II)Daughters were seen in different way .marrying their daughter out of gotra  was the main goal of parent .
(III)Custom of polygamy prevailed in upper class families.
(iv)Eldest male had complete control over family.
(v)Mahabharata give us information  about varnas and their related occupations.
(vi)This epic throws some light on mutual relations between different social group s
(VII)Male person  had right to inherit the property of father.

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