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Monday, 17 February 2020


The beginning of a new Era
Q.1. When was the Indian constitution framed?
Ans. The Indian constitution was framed in between 9 December 1946 to 26 November 1949.
Q.2. What was the Instrument of accession?
Ans. Princely states acceded to India by signing an instrument of accession.
Q.3. Why did Mahatma Gandhi think Hindustani should be the national language?
Ans. Mahatma Gandhi felt that Hindustani was a language that the common people could  easily understand.
Q.4. What is the importance of the preamble to the Indian constitution?
Ans. It states the nature of the Indian state which is sovereign, socialist, secular,           democratic and republic.
Q.5. What are the recommendations of the Constituent Assembly of India regarding  the protection of depressed castes?
Ans. DR. Ambedkar demanded separate constituencies for the depressed classes.
Q.6. What was the ideals expressed in the Objectives Resolutions?
Ans. India was declared as independent sovereign republic.
Q.7. Who thought Hindusthani should be the national language?
Ans. Mahatma Gandhi
Q.8. What are the ideals of the objective Resolution presented by Jawaharlal Nehru?
Ans. 1.India as sovereign republic.
2. Justice, equality and fraternity.
3. Safeguards to minorities.
4. Democracy, socialism, peace, human welfare.
Q.9. Write the significance of Indian constitution.
Ans. 1.Largest Democracy.
2. Secular nation.
3. Fundamental rights to all citizens.
Q.10. Why was constituent assembly constituted?
Ans. Constituent assembly was formed to draft the Indian constitution. It had 300 members.
Q.11. When was the first and last meeting of constituent assembly was held?
Ans-The first meeting of constituent assembly was held on 9 Dec, 1946 and last 24 Nov 1949.
Q-12. When the Indian constitution came into effect?
Ans- The Indian constitution came into effect on 26th Jan. 1950.
Q-13. Indian Constituent Assembly was framed on the basis of which plan?
Ans-Cabinet Mission Plan
Q-14. Write down the total no of constituent Assembly.
Ans-The total members of the constituent Assembly were 300.
Q-15. Who was the president of Constituent Assembly?
Ans- Dr Rajendra Prasad
Q-16. Who was the chairman of Drafting committee?
Ans- On 29 August 1947 Drafting committee was formed. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was the chairman of the Drafting Committee and played important role in constitution assembly.
Q-17. Who and when moved the "Objective Resolution" in the constituent Assembly.
ANS- On the 13 Dec. 1946 Nehru moved the "Objective Resolution" in the constituent           Assembly.
Q-18. When the interim government was made under the leadership of Jawaharlal  Nehru?
Ans- An interim Government was made 2 Sept 1946 under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru.
Q-19. Which three topics were vigorous debated in the constituent assembly?
Ans-1.On the power of the central Government and the state.
          2. The language issue was debated for many months in the constituent assembly.
          3. On the separate electorate.
Q-20. The communist leader who saw the dark hand of British imperialism hanging over deliberation of constituent assembly.
Ans-Somnath Lahri
Q-21. “The British elements is gone , but have left the mischief behind”are the word of which leader.
Ans-Vallabh Bahi Patel
Q-22. The congress leader who had led and armed struggle against the British?
Ans- Subhash Chandra Bose (INA)
Q-23. Two parties that boycotted to join constituent assembly.
Ans- Socialist and Muslim League.
Q-24. Who were the congress trio?
Ans- Sardar Vallabh Bahi Patel, J.L. Nehru, Rajendra Prasad
Q-25. Who was the constituent adviser of assembly.
Ans- B. N Rao- Constituent Adviser and SN Mukherjee-Chief Draughtsman
Q-26. Who compared separate electorate to a poison which has enterd our body politics?
Ans- Sardar Vallabh Bahi Patel
Q-27. The rights of the state were most eloquently defended by………….
Ans- K Santhanam.
Q-28.Jaipal Singh a gifted orator was representing the rights of…………….
Ans- Tribals
Q-29. Who plea for continuing separate electorates?
Ans-B. Pocker Bahadur
Q-30 Two members who spoke for depressed caste?
Ans- J. Nagappa from Madras and K. j. Khanderkar from central province.
Q-31. Three acts that were passed for Indian participation in provincial government  in which years?
Ans- 1909, 1919, 1935.
Q-32. The leader of peasant movement who was the supporter of the poor and           downtrodden?
Ans- N Ranga.
Q-33. Who said the separate electorate is not just harmful for the nation but harmful for the minorities?
Ans-G.B. Pant
Q-34. Two challenge for the constitution makers?
Ans- Partition, refugees and princely states.
Q-35. How many days it takes to complete the constitution?
Ans-2 years, 11 months, 18 days 11 session and sitting of 165 days
Q-36. Write down these events in chronological order.
 (i) Constituent Assembly formation , (ii) Forming of Drafting Committee, (iii)India got freedom, (iv) Quit India, (v) Rebel of Royal Indian Navy
Ans- iv, v, i, iii, ii
·        Constituent Assembly first meeting-9 dec 1946 on the basis of Cabinet Mission Plan
·        Members-389
·        President-Dr Rajendra Prasad
·        Head of drafting committee-B r Ambedkar
·        Constitutional Advisers-BN Rao
·        Moved the object resolution-on 13 dec 1946, by Jawaharlal Nehru
·        Duration-2 months 11 Months 11 days
·        Constitution was completed-26 November 1946
·        Implemented or enacted-26 January 1950
·        Constituent assembly held 11 session, sitting 165 days
·        Head of interim government- Jawaharlal Nehru
·        J.L Nehru speech on 14 August-Long years ago we mad a tryst with destiny and………
·        Montague Chemsford reform- 1919 act which allowed representation in legislative assemblies.
·        Muslim league joins interim government- 13oct, 1946
Persons in the constituent Assembly
Sr no
Ideas and participation
Somnaths Lahiri (communist)
Constituent assembly should free from the influence of imperial rule.
B Pocker Bhadur(madras)
Powerful plea for continuing separate electorates.
R V Dhulekar
Aggressive plea for Hindi language
Countering the demand of separate electorates
Saradr Vallabh Patel
Strong Center
N G Ranga
Minorities to interpreted in economic terms
Jaipal singh
Protection for Adivasis
B R Ambedkar
Rights for depressed class
K Santhanam
Strong State
B R Ambedkar
Strong Nation
J. L Nehru
Strong center
Shrimati G Durgabai
Against the domination of Hindi
T A Ramalingam Chettiar
Hindi would not implant by forcibly
Hansa Mehta
Demand justice for women

S.A. (3 Marks)
Q.1. Why did Mahatma Gandhi believe that Hindustani should be the official       language of  India?
And. 1. Because, it was the language of common people.
2. Most of the regional language of India was very close to the Hindustani.
3. It was a combination of sensitized Hindi and Persianised Urdu.
4. It was a multi-cultural language.
Q.2. Why was Govind Ballabh Pant against the separate electorate?
Ans. 1.Because this will isolate the minorities from the rest of the community.
2. Majorities will never convert to majority.
3. He was against the divide loyalties.
Q.3. Give some arguments in favor of a strong center.
Ans. 1.For peace, low and order.
2. Strong position of country in the international sphere.
3. To stop communal powers and terrorism.
4. National Security.
Q.4. What is the significance or importance of the preamble to the Indian     constitution?
Ans. The preamble of the Indian constitution is significant in the following ways:-
1. It indicates the sources from which the constitution springs i.e. ‘we the people of India.’
2. It states the nature of the Indian state which is sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic
and republic.
3. It states the basic objectives which the Government must strive for.
4. The preamble is also helpful in the interpretation of the constitution.
Q.5. How was the center made more powerful and strong by the constituent           Assembly?
Ans. Most of the members of the constituent assembly were in favour of strong central government for India. Even Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru wanted a strong center as he felt. Writing a letter to the president of the constituent assembly, that “it would be injurious to the interests of the country to provide for a weak central authority” He was, in fact, convinced that only a strong central government could ensure peace and stability.
The following points make it clear that several attempts were made the center more strong and powerful;
1] The Union list contained more subjects than the state list.
2] Regarding the concurrent list, the center and the state shared responsibility. But in case of any disputes centre’s decision is recommended.
Q.6. Examine the recommendations of the constituent Assembly of India regarding  the protection to be given to the depressed castes.
Ans. During the freedom struggle Dr. Ambedkar demanded separate constituencies for the depressed classes. Mahatma Gandhi opposed it by saying that it will segregate them from the mainstream of the society. The issue was much debated in the constituent Assembly.At last the constituent Assembly suggested the following.
A] Untouchability will be eradicated,
B] The Hindu temples will be opened to people belonging to all castes.
C] Seats will be reserved for backward classes in the Assemblies and Educational Institutions.
Q.7- How was the term minority defined by different groups?
  1. N.G. Ranga said: the real minorities are the masses of this country.
  2. These people are so depressed and oppressed and suppressed till now that they are not able to take advantage of the ordinary civil rights.
  3. He particularly referred to the tribal people. Jaipal Singh also supported the views of N. G. Ranga
Q. 8- What were problems of princely state?
1.     There were 562 princely states when The Indian Independence Act, 1947.
2.     They had given freedom to join India or Pakistan or to declare themselves complete independent as a sovereign state.
3.      This was a challenge before leaders how to consolidate all state.
Q.9- What arguments given by the Mr. K. Santhanam in favour of more power to  states?
Ans- a) K Santhanam was opposed to the centre being vested with more power. He felt that an over burdened centre could not be able to fulfil its responsibilities in an effective manner.
b) He was not happy with the proposed allocation of power between the centre and the states. He felt that such a distribution of power would cripple the state.
Q.10- What arguments were given by the Mr. Gopal swami Ayyangar in favour of strong Centre?
Following arguments were given by the Mr. Gopal Swami in favour of strong centre.

i.                   Strong centre could plan for the well being of the country
ii.                  It mobilise the available economic resources
iii.                It will establish proper administration
iv.                It will defend the country against foreign attack

            Q.11- What historical forces shaped the vision of the Constitution?
                                Following historical forces shaped the vision of the constitution-

i.                   Certain basic values were accepted by all national leaders that’s why Nehru report and the fundamental rights resolution passed by the Karachi session.
ii.                 Universal adult Franchise, right to freedom and equality and protection of minority rights.
iii.              Due to 1937 election and formation of government helped in developing an agreement over institutional design.
iv.              Government of India act 1935
             v.         French revolution, USA bill of right and the Russian revolution

Q.12-Why was the new constitution of Independent India enforced on 26 January 1950?
Ans-When in 1929 at Lahore INC took pledge of complete independence it was also decided to  celebrate Independence Day on 26 Jan. Every year to remember this       legacy Indian constitution enforced on 26 January 1950. 

Q.13- What arguments were given by the Mr. Pocker Bahadur for continuing the separate   electorates?
Mr Pokar Bahadur gave following arguments in favour of continuing the separate electorate:
 Minorities exists in all line they couldn’t be erased out of existence, The need was to create a political framework in which minorities could live in harmony with others, this was possible only if minorities were well represented within the political system, only separate electorates could ensure that Muslims had a meaningful voice in the governance of the country.

  Q.14.- Write a short note on armed struggle of Subhas Chandra Bose.

After resigning from the post of Congress President Subhash Chandra Bose founded Forward Bloc. During 2nd World War with the help of Mohan Singh Bhakhana he founded the Indian National Army. The aim was to secure Indian independence with Japanese assistance. The INA was also at the forefront of the womens’equality and the formation of womens’resiment.  INA fought along with the imperial Japani against the British and the commonwealth forces in the campaign in Burma, Imphal and Kohima and later against the successful Burma campaign of the allies. The end of the war saw a large number of troops repatriated to India where some faced trial for treason and become a galvanising point of Indian Independence Movement.

Q.No.15- What are the silent features of Indian constitution?

a) One central feature of constitution there was substantial agreement. This was on the granting of vote to every adult Indian. This was shown unprecedented faith in democracy.
b) Second important features of the constitution was its emphasis on secularism, operationally.
c)   Fundamental rights to all citizens
d) Directive Principles
e) Reservation for oppressed classes in legislature and in govt jobs.

L. A. (8 Marks)
Q.1-What was the ‘language controversy, before the Constitution Assembly and how  did it seek to resolve the controversy?

       Hindustani (Hindi+Urdu) started getting separate due to communal parties.
·   Language became politicized for communal identity.
·   R.V. Dhulkar supported Hindi to be made language of the Constitution.
·   It created a furor (debate) in the Constituent Assembly which was mediated               by  Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru.

·   Proceeded slow to make Hindi as the National Language.
·   Some supported official work to be continued for 15 years in English.
·    After implementation of the Constitution and Provinces to choose regional                 language for daily work.
·   Constituent Assembly  :
i. Hindi – Not National Language.
ii. But not Rajbhasha

Q.2. What were the challenges before the constituent assembly?
Ans. 1. In India there was different languages, religiousness cultures.
2. Country was going through constitutional turmoil.
3. The problem with separate electorates.
4. The division of rights between state and central government.
5. The language of the Nation (National Language).
6. The problem of SC/CT and other depressed castes.

Q.3. What were the ideals expressed in the Objectives Resolutions?
Ans. The objectives resolution was presented in the constituent assembly on 13th Dec 1946 by Jawaharlal Nehru. It outlined and defined the ideals and objectives of the constitution which are as follows:
(1) India was declared as independent sovereign republic.
(2) It assured Justice, equality, liberty and fraternity to all its citizens.
(3) It provided adequate safeguards to minorities. It also referred to the well–being of the backward and depressed classes.
(4) India would combine the liberal ideas of democracy with the socialist idea of economic justice.
(5) India would adopt that form of government which would be acceptable to its people. No imposition from the British would be accepted by the Indian people.
(6) India would be a federation.
(7) India would work for world peace and human welfare.

Q.4. Why did Mahatma Gandhi think Hindusthani should be the national   language?
Ans. A. Mahatma Gandhi felt that Hindusthani was a language that the common people could easily understand.
B. Hindustan which was a blend of Hindi and Urdu was popular among a large section of the People. Moreover it was a composite language enriched by the interaction of diverse cultures.
C. Over the years words and terms from many different sources had been incorporated into this language making it easily understood by people from various regions.
D. According to Mahatma Gandhi Hindusthani would be the ideal language of communication between diverse communities. It would help to unify Hindus and Muslims and the people from the north and south.
E. From the end of the 19th century onwards language became associated with the politics of religious identities. Hindustani also began to change but Gandhiji retained his faith in the composite character of Hindustani.
“I believe separate electorates will be suicidal to the minorities”
During the debate on 27 August 1947, Govind Ballabh Pant said:
I believe separate electorates will be suicidal to the minorities and will do them tremendous harm. If they are isolated forever, they can never convert themselves into a majority and the feeling of frustration will cripple them even from the very beginning. What is it that you desire and what is our ultimate objective? Do the minorities or do they ever expect to form an integral part of a great nation and as such to guide and control its destinies? If they do, can they ever achieve that aspiration and that ideal if they are isolated from the rest of the community? I think it would be
extremely dangerous for them if they were segregated from the rest of the community and kept aloof in an air-tight compartment where they would have to reply on others even for the air they breathe …The minorities if they are returned by separate electorates can never have any effective voice.
i) What do you understand by ‘separate electorate’? 2 marks
ii) What was the view of G.B.Pant to the aspect of ‘separate electorate’? 2 marks
iii) Why was G.B.Pant against this demand? Give three reasons. 2 marks
Gobind Ballabh pant argued that in order to become loyal citizens, people had to stop focusing only on the community and the self:
For the success of the democracy one must train him in the art of self- discipline. In democracies one should care less for him and more for others. There cannot be any divided loyalty. All loyalties must exclusively be centered on the state. If in a democracy, you create rival loyalties, or you create a system in which any individual or group, instead of suppressing his extravagance, cares not for larger or other interest, then democracy is doomed.
i. Why G.B. Pant wanted to see people as loyal citizens? 2 marks
ii. What are criteria for the success of democracy? 2 marks
iii. How does G.B. Pant define the attributes of a loyal citizen? 2 marks

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